Pleurotus eryngii / The King Oyster Mushroom

Large, edible Pleurotus eryngii mushrooms are indigenous to Europe and Asia. Despite being uncommon in the wild, it is widely cultivated and prized for its buttery flavor and eggplant-like texture, particularly in some Asian cuisines. Using the scientific name helps prevent misunderstandings because the species goes by numerous common names, including king oyster mushroom, French horn mushroom, king trumpet mushroom, and trumpet royale. The epithet “king oyster” does allude to its strong genetic resemblance to the well-known and edible oyster mushrooms (including Pleurotus ostreatus), a genus of species endemic to North America, but the king does not resemble its relatives in any significant way. Instead of the large white cap and nearly nonexistent horizontal stipe that American mushroom hunters are accustomed to, P. eryngii has a broad, vertical, white stem (or “stipe”) and a comparatively small brown or gray crown. Pleurotus eryngii.
Among the other well-known oyster mushrooms are:-
Pleurotus djamor: Pink Oyster Mushroom.
Pleurotus ostreatus: Tree Oyster Mushroom.
Pleurotus citrinopileatus: The Golden Oyster Mushroom.
Pleurotus Pulmonarius: The Phoenix Oyster Mushroom.
Pleurotus Dryinus: The Veiled Oyster Mushroom.
The King Oyster Mushroom / Pleurotus eryngii Uses and Benefits
Although these functions have not been well studied scientifically , eryngii is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine along with other mushroom species and is occasionally suggested by other complementary healthcare professionals. The following medical applications of various compounds found in mushrooms have been suggested by research:
(i)-Treatment of specific cancers.
(ii)-Viral prevention.
(iii)-Microbiological resistance.
(iiii)-Aid for the immune system.
(v)-Hormonal assistance.
(vi)-The decrease of blood fats, including cholesterol.
(1).Healthy Colon
In both cultures of human tissue and in living mice, an anti-inflammatory protein termed PEP from P. eryngii has been demonstrated to decrease the proliferation of colon cancer cells without harming healthy cells. In a different study, it was shown that an extract from the same type of mushrooms that was high in polyphenols also had the capacity to destroy colon cancer cells without affecting healthy cells. In all situations, the effect is dose-dependent, which means that larger effects result from higher doses. Both compounds show at least some potential for treating inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colon cancer. pleurotus eryngii benefits.
(2).Different Cancers
The term \”cancer\” refers to a broad range of illnesses rather than a single illness. These illnesses all entail uncontrolled and disruptive cell development, but they progress in different ways, have distinct causes and risk factors, and respond to different therapies. It is wrong to generalize about a substance\’s ability to \”cure cancer\” only because it has been shown to be effective against one or more ailments. Nevertheless, compounds isolated from P. eryngii have demonstrated potential against a variety of malignancies in both cell cultures and animal models, including cancers of the breast, liver, and lungs. pleurotus eryngii recipes.
Although the entire mushroom has not been studied as a potential cancer treatment, it is important to note that numerous compounds originating from this species are under investigation, suggesting that a thorough investigation of the entire mushroom could be worthwhile.
(3).Antiviral Activity
P. eryngii was not the most effective fungus tested, but it does have potential as an antiviral agent. One study examined the capacity of several various varieties of fungus, including P. eryngii, to attack specific strains of influenza virus and herpes virus. Instead of mushrooms, the study employed mycelium (netlike or threadlike fungal tissue), however it was complete tissue rather than an extract of a particular component. King Oyster Mushroom Recipe.
(4).Antimicrobial Activity
An antibacterial agent with limited but real potential was tested on a variety of bacteria and yeast that had been cultured in Petri plates using a whole-tissue extract of P. eryngii. The extract killed some of the microorganisms but not all of them. Buy King Oyster Mushroom.
(5).Immune system support
Glucans are a family of similar polysaccharides that are found in many allegedly therapeutic mushrooms and have been shown to have anti-tumor and immune-supportive properties. P. eryngii fared the best when hot-water extracts from various mushroom species were examined to determine which would be a superior source of -glucans when cooked and consumed. The same study revealed that grown cells exposed to the extract exhibited modifications consistent with increased immunological and anti-tumor activity. An additional group of immune-related alterations were observed in cultured cells treated with -glucan from P. erygii, according to a different investigation. King Oyster Mushroom Price.
Other research provide less conclusive proof of P. eryngii\’s capability to support the immune system.
An extract of P. cornucopiae, a related mushroom species, was given to humans in a double-blind, placebo-controlled research, and they demonstrated modest but significant elevations in numerous immunity-related markers in their blood . When fed diets containing P. eryngii, catfish grown in experimental settings grew better and with greater success resisted infection. pleurotus eryngii taste.
(6).Hormonal support
Among its many potential advantages, eryngii is occasionally promoted as a testosterone booster. Research does point to a connection between certain hormone levels.
In one study, the utilization of discarded P. eryngii culture substrate as a component of elk meal was examined. In other words, numerous confined bull elk had their meals supplemented with leftover mycelium and plant debris from the cultivation of mushrooms, while equivalent control animals did not receive the same treatment. The discarded substrate, which poses a significant disposal issue in locations where mushrooms are grown, was something the researchers intended to find another use for. The substrate worked well as elk feed, and the test elk improved in a number of health indicators and had greater testosterone levels than the control elk. Pleurotus eryngii price.
In a different investigation, numerous compounds extracted from P. eryngii were evaluated for usage as treatments for specific estrogen-dependent breast tumors. Some forms of breast cancer can be successfully treated by lowering estrogen levels, but scientists are looking for new, less harmful ways to do it. A few P. eryngii compounds effectively prevented the enzyme aromatase from converting androgens (such as testosterone) into estrogens. Although the study\’s main focus was on the reduction of estrogen, it makes sense that there would also be a commensurate rise in testosterone levels. Chemical samples, not human individuals, were used in the investigation. pleurotus eryngii pronunciation.
(7).The Decrease Of Cholesterol In The Blood And Other Lipids
To test the mushroom\’s potential as a therapy for high cholesterol and obesity, powdered P. eryngii was fed to rats engineered to have excessive cholesterol. The ratio of \”good\” to \”bad\” cholesterol improved, there were notable drops in cholesterol in the rats getting the mushroom, and their overall body weight was also reduced. The animals were healthy, save from being put to death by researchers at the conclusion of the study. Similar findings were obtained from additional investigations using rats and cell cultures. pleurotus eryngii var. ferulae.
(8).Diabetic Treatment
Additionally, rats with high cholesterol were employed in a study on P. eryngii as a potential diabetic treatment. The test individuals had experimentally caused diabetes. While the mushroom-fed animals did not exhibit a substantial decrease in total cholesterol, their ratios of “good” to “bad” cholesterol improved, their body weight reduced, and, more to the point, their blood glucose levels dropped significantly. Although the mushroom was unable to cure the rats\’ diabetes, it does have potential as a complementary treatment for diabetic management. pleurotus eryngii substrate.
(9).Prevention Of food Poisoning
Not all health advantages come from taking medication. The contamination of corn and, to a lesser extent, other crops with fungi that produce the poison aflatoxin B1 is a significant issue in agriculture. Usually, the tainted maize has to be thrown away, which is a huge waste. According to one study, P. eryngii can not only grow in the poisoned maize but also destroy the toxin. After one month of growth, the corn-based growing medium no longer contains toxins and may be used for other purposes, and the emerging mushrooms are completely safe to consume. pleurotus eryngii growing.
How to grow King Oyster Mushroom / Pleurotus eryngii
Popular edible mushroom Pleurotus eryngii is indigenous to Mediterranean areas of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Its Latin name, Pleurotus eryngii, and Italian name, \”Cardoncello,\” come from the fact that it feeds as a parasite on the weak roots of Eryngium and Carduus species.
This delicious mushroom, which the Italians particularly enjoy, has always been sought out in the wild in order to be sold at a decent price on the neighborhood markets. It is therefore not unexpected that the first cultivation system was created in the Italian boot heel. pleurotus eryngii pdf.

It was discovered that the Pleurotus eryngii mycelium grows slowly, making it unable to employ the same production technique as Pleurotus ostreatus. This technique involves pasteurizing a straw-based substrate in bulk, cooling it, adding inoculant to it, and then putting it into bags. If rigorous cleanliness regulations are observed, the Blue Oyster-mycelium is able to enter the substrate due to its aggressive nature before other microbes may take control.
The mycelium is just too slow and weak to effectively compete with airborne microbes that are introduced into the substrate during chilling and inoculation, indicating that the hygiene level of such a bulk system is insufficient to successfully incubate straw substrate with Pleurotus eryngii. The straw-based substrates were therefore filled into bags that the Italians then pasteurized, chilled, and individually inoculated. To produce mushrooms with a natural appearance, that is, with a huge cap and a small foot, the fully incubated sacks were stacked one on top of the other beneath a layer of dirt.
The Japanese adopted the concept in the 1990s and developed it into a more practical industrial process. The fundamental idea is to employ substrates made of sawdust that are filled, pasteurized, inoculated, incubated, and fruited all in the same container. The production process was further automated by the Koreans and the Chinese, who have set up large production facilities where tons of mushrooms are gathered every day. A high output is achieved at a cheap labor cost thanks to the completely automated lines\’ automatic mixing, filling, pasteurization, inoculation, growing, and picking processes. pleurotus eryngii wild.
Bottle-cultivation, notably of Pleurotus eryngii, has grown into a multibillion-dollar industry, especially in the Far East where mushrooms play a significant role in cuisine. Everything in this production procedure takes place in well regulated climatic settings since standardization is a major concern. Temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels are maintained at constant levels in the fruiting rooms. Regularly formed mushrooms with a small cap sitting on a large, swollen stem are produced by pruning all primordia, with the exception of 3 and 4. These mushrooms have a long shelf life and are simple to select and pack. They can therefore be exported anywhere in the world. Mini king Oyster.

Due to the slow growth of the Pleurotus eryngii market in Western Europe and the US, an investment in such a fully automated growing system is not yet profitable. Different production systems have been set up according on the region and the grower\’s preferences. King Oyster Mushroom.
Although the exact makeup of the substrate might vary, it primarily consists of a mixture of sawdust and more aerated materials like straw, maize stalks, or cotton seed hulls that have been treated with nitrogen-rich additions. The ideal C/N ratio is 30–40, while the ideal moisture content is roughly 70%.
Western Europe hardly ever uses bottles, but fake logs, or substrates, are manufactured in a variety of containers and sizes. Bags equipped with various filter systems for gas exchange are filled with sections of the substrate weighing 1 to 4 kg. What Are King Oyster Mushrooms?.

Pleurotus eryngii mushrooms turn brown and sticky when they become infected with bacteria, particularly Pseudomonas tolaasii. By choosing just one flush, this can be stopped before it spirals out of control and spreads illnesses. An average output of 20% mushrooms in just one flush is possible if the blocks are placed in incubation for a few further weeks. The majority of growers opt for more protection and throw away the substrates right away after picking. benefits of king oyster mushroom.
Due of the low-cost Korean imports, Pleurotus eryngii prices are under intense pressure in Europe. To combat this rivalry, a significant portion of Pleurotus eryngii is grown in Europe under an organic label, in which case wholesalers are compensated with higher pricing. scallops of king oyster mushroom.
Dosage for pleurotus eryngii
Since P. eryngii has not yet undergone significant testing on humans, dosage must rely on practitioners\’ educated guesses.
Side Effects And Toxicity Of Pleurotus eryngii
Overdosing on whole mushroom tissue is probably not harmful because the mushroom is typically considered safe to consume without restriction. There are no widely accepted warnings for P. eryngii products as of yet, however concentrated extracts from some meals can be harmful even if the food itself is safe. In fact, a lot of research has been done in the expectation that the mushroom might provide an alternative to normal medical therapy that is safer and has fewer adverse effects. However, there is always a chance that some people will experience allergies or sensitivities that the general population will not, and there may also be risks that we haven\’t yet identified. It is impossible to guarantee that P. eryngii is risk-free for everyone at all times. what is the meaning of king oyster mushroom.

Although online searches turn up no alerts, P. eryngii\’s capacity to change androgen/estrogen ratios raises the possibility that caution is warranted. In particular, women might want to exercise caution if the mushroom has the potential to increase testosterone in humans. If there were a concern, it probably wouldn\’t be as prevalent as it is for culinary purposes and would probably just affect those who take extracts. Always, it is advisable to leave decisions on such matters up to the expertise of medical professionals. picture of king oyster mushroom.
The fact that P. eryngii hasn\’t been extensively examined for its medical value in humans may be the most important caution. Even while traditional use, animal studies, and in-vitro research all point to the usefulness of this fungus, we still don\’t fully understand how it affects the human body. That does not mean you shouldn\’t use it, but you should still exercise some caution when dealing with unknowns. weight of king oyster mushroom, types of king oyster mushroom, cost of king oyster mushroom.
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